KK Gorenjska gradbena družba Šenčur, Šenčur

Team is currently not a member of ABA Liga j.t.d.. Its data may not be updated.


Beginnings  Since 2014, GGD Šenčur has been paticipating in the highest tier of the Slovenian club basketball competitions, while it has been achieving some formidable results over the past couple of seasons, when it became a regular member of Top Six of the Slovenian National Championship.

Glory Days

Glory Days The team had first major success on 11 November 2017, when they beat Olimpija (76:74). Another milestone was reached the same season, when they qualified fort he Final of the Slovenian National Cup. In the 2021/23 season, GGD Šenčur achieved its best score in the Slovenian National Championship in the club's history – third place. This way they have earned their spot in the NLB ABA League 2 and for the first time found themselves in the regional club basketball elite.  

Club Information

Pipanova cesta 43, 4208 Šenčur, Slovenia SHOW MAP
+386 (0)41 569 304


President:Miha Kravanja
General Manager:Aleš Puhar


Športna dvorana Šenčur
Pipanova cesta 43, 4208 Šenčur, Slovenia SHOW MAP

Trophy Case

Team Roster, Season 2023/24

# Name Position Height Date of Birth Nationality
Frane Antić Center 208 20.01.2003 HRV
Vito Bajazet Center 206 14.11.2004 SVN
Markedric Keyaivis Bell Power Forward 203 18.05.1999 USA
Lovro Bolhar Guard 194 10.03.2006 SVN
Balša Dragović Power Forward 208 26.08.1996 SRB
Primož Kmetič Shooting Guard 196 05.01.2001 SVN
Alen Malovčič Forward 202 16.08.2002 SVN
Nejc Martinčič Shooting Guard 189 04.04.1997 SVN
Dino Murić Power Forward 202 14.02.1990 SVN
Jan Novak Guard 194 07.07.1995 SVN
Gaber Ožegovič Forward 198 07.02.1998 SVN
Domen Petrovič Power Forward 206 19.04.2004 SVN
Luka Rudović Forward 205 21.02.2003 SVN
Milutin Vidić Guard 188 08.01.2004 SRB
Alen Zulić Shooting Guard 194 21.06.2004 SVN
Matej Čibej Guard 186 29.05.2002 SVN
Dalibor Đapa Power Forward 205 23.10.1984 SVN

Club Statistics

Show Data for

Game Stats

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Val
1 GGD Šenčur-Pelister L 78 38.4 20 43 46.5 8 30 26.7 14 19 73.7 24 17 4119 4 11 0 3 22 21 77
2 Helios-GGD Šenčur W 76 42.2 17 35 48.6 10 29 34.5 12 17 70.6 24 15 3918 6 13 1 0 26 19 78
3 GGD Šenčur-Sutjeska L 74 44.3 28 47 59.6 3 23 13 9 11 81.8 27 9 368 7 13 0 2 27 22 64
4 Borac BL-GGD Šenčur L 56 32.8 15 33 45.5 7 34 20.6 5 12 41.7 16 14 308 11 12 2 3 24 17 33
5 GGD Šenčur-Podgorica W 71 42.4 22 37 59.5 6 29 20.7 9 15 60 23 7 3015 7 11 3 2 24 17 62
6 Spartak-GGD Šenčur L 76 45.9 21 39 53.8 7 22 31.8 13 17 76.5 18 7 2519 5 15 1 4 29 19 60
7 GGD Šenčur-Šibenka W 78 45.9 24 40 60 4 21 19 18 25 72 28 8 3618 12 8 5 2 18 23 104
8 GGD Šenčur-MZT Skopje L 73 43.8 18 42 42.9 10 22 45.5 7 14 50 22 9 3116 10 15 4 7 20 20 69
9 Vojvodina-GGD Šenčur L 73 46.9 21 36 58.3 9 28 32.1 4 4 100 15 9 2413 4 16 0 5 22 17 54
10 GGD Šenčur-TFT L 77 46.4 26 45 57.8 6 24 25 7 18 38.9 20 11 3122 8 12 1 4 24 24 75
11 Zlatibor-GGD Šenčur L 75 40.8 24 43 55.8 5 28 17.9 12 17 70.6 15 13 2816 13 11 0 2 26 16 62
12 GGD Šenčur-Široki L 76 44.6 20 38 52.6 9 27 33.3 9 14 64.3 23 9 3217 11 15 2 0 25 22 79
13 Ced Jr.-GGD Šenčur W 81 49.2 29 40 72.5 3 25 12 14 20 70 15 12 2724 8 12 4 6 22 21 86
Average: 74.2 43.3 21.9 39.8 55 6.7 26.3 25.4 10.2 15.6 65.5 20.8 10.8 31.5 16.4 8.2 12.6 1.8 3.1 23.8 19.8 69.5
T:13 Total: 964 43.3 285 518 55 87 342 25.4 133 203 65.5 270 140410 213 106 164 23 40 309 258 903

Player Stats

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
GP Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
Antić F. 7 106 51 72.7 24 33 72.7 0 0 0 3 7 42.9 13 9 22 2 3 7 2 1 24 7 -12 42
Bajazet V. 2 6 2 100 1 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 -6 3
Bell M. 2 27 3 50 1 1 100 0 1 0 1 2 50 3 0 3 2 1 2 1 0 2 2 0 6
Bolhar L. 3 26 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 1 100 1 0 1 4 1 3 0 1 4 0 -10 -6
Čibej M. 13 209 88 41.5 18 35 51.4 9 30 30 25 30 83.3 15 6 21 22 9 17 0 4 26 37 -44 87
Dragović B. 10 199 49 30.4 8 21 38.1 9 35 25.7 6 8 75 26 6 32 9 5 9 0 3 27 11 -44 26
Kmetič P. 8 133 59 38.3 13 25 52 10 35 28.6 3 3 100 6 3 9 10 3 9 3 4 16 7 -4 25
Malovčič A. 13 319 148 49.1 43 78 55.1 10 30 33.3 32 46 69.6 46 29 75 15 15 13 5 7 35 40 -45 174
Martinčič N. 9 122 46 38.5 6 11 54.5 9 28 32.1 7 7 100 6 1 7 7 0 5 0 1 14 10 -15 26
Murić D. 9 252 83 38.4 31 72 43.1 2 14 14.3 15 39 38.5 40 23 63 23 6 18 3 8 22 32 -46 85
Novak J. 13 339 110 44.1 45 81 55.6 4 30 13.3 8 14 57.1 29 18 47 80 34 24 1 5 44 37 -34 168
Ožegovič G. 12 286 105 38.9 37 67 55.2 7 46 15.2 10 13 76.9 30 10 40 17 11 22 5 6 33 29 -37 74
Petrovič D. 10 206 83 56.5 26 33 78.8 9 29 31 4 8 50 16 18 34 6 6 10 0 0 15 13 -42 86
Rudović L. 5 35 6 20 2 3 66.7 0 7 0 2 2 100 3 0 3 1 1 2 0 0 7 3 -12 -3
Vidić M. 8 104 32 41.4 6 13 46.2 6 16 37.5 2 7 28.6 11 1 12 9 5 9 0 0 13 14 -1 28
Zulić A. 2 9 2 25 1 1 100 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 -6 -1
Đapa D. 8 179 96 46.1 23 41 56.1 12 35 34.3 14 16 87.5 23 13 36 6 6 14 2 0 22 16 3 83

FG2, FG3 - Field Goals

M - Made

Ag - Against

Rebs - Rebounds

St - Steals

FT - Free Throws

A - Attempted

Foul - Foul

D - Defensive

To - Turnover

Min - Minutes

Blck - Blocks

Cm - Committed

O - Offensive

Val - Index Value

Pts - Points

Fv - in Favoure of

Rv - Received

Ass - Assists

W - Won, L - Lost
