KK Kansai Helios Domžale, Domžale


Basketball was brought to Domžale in 1949 by the pupils of Brate Orehek and Vid Zule, who studied in Karlovac and introduced the game to the people of Domžale. Ever since it has been an important part of social life in this town near Ljubljana. The club was first named Partizan-Domžale and played its first game in 1950. The club's last name change occured in 2014, when they have renamed themselves to Helios Suns.

Glory Days

The club has long tradition and has been playing in the ABA League for the first time in the 2003/04 season. The club has also had several other peaks, as they have won the Slovenian National Championship trophies in 2007 and 2016 and Slovenian National Cup trophy in 2007. They have won also the Alpe Adria Cup in 2016. Today, the club is known as one of the greatest developers of young talent in Slovenia.

Club Information

Mestni trg 1, 1230 Domžale, Slovenia SHOW MAP
+386 (0)1 724 10 15
+386 (0)1 724 10 15


President:Petar Orbanič
General Manager:Matevž Zupančič


Športna dvorana Domžale
Mestni trg 1, 1230 Domžale, Slovenia SHOW MAP

Trophy Case

Slovenian National Championship

2007, 2016

Slovenian National Cup


Alpe Adria Cup


Team Roster, Season 2022/23

# Name Position Height Date of Birth Nationality
Jan Babič Shooting Guard 191 26.03.2004 SVN
Niko Bačvić Guard 191 23.09.1997 SVN
Lovro Buljević Center 210 12.08.1998 HRV
Tadej Ferme Shooting Guard 187 17.10.1991 SVN
Austin Luke Guard 194 27.10.1994 USA
Blaž Mahkovic Forward 201 21.03.1990 SVN
Tibor Mirtič Forward 202 05.02.2003 SVN
Urban Oman Forward 198 02.12.1998 SVN
Lenart Sirc Power Forward 203 17.12.2003 SVN
Dennis Woodrow Tunstall Jr Power Forward 206 02.03.1997 USA
Jan Zemljič Shooting Guard 192 14.10.2004 SVN
Alen Zulić Shooting Guard 194 21.06.2004 SVN

Club Statistics

Show Data for

Game Stats

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Val
1 GGD Šenčur-Helios W 89 53.4 26 41 63.4 5 17 29.4 22 30 73.3 26 5 3121 7 12 4 3 11 22 113
2 Helios-Široki W 94 59.3 23 28 82.1 9 26 34.6 21 25 84 24 4 2824 13 21 3 1 21 21 114
3 Vr. Osijek-Helios W 107 55.6 28 35 80 12 37 32.4 15 18 83.3 24 13 3719 8 9 0 0 17 18 128
4 Helios-Gorica W 100 64.8 19 27 70.4 16 27 59.3 14 22 63.6 26 5 3126 11 14 2 0 18 25 136
5 Borac BL-Helios W 91 54.7 27 40 67.5 8 24 33.3 13 14 92.9 22 9 3113 9 13 1 2 16 21 105
6 Spars-Helios W 86 50.7 22 37 59.5 12 30 40 6 15 40 23 14 3727 8 13 2 3 13 19 108
7 Helios-Pelister W 88 48.4 22 36 61.1 8 26 30.8 20 28 71.4 24 9 3320 10 9 1 2 20 26 107
8 Sutjeska-Helios W 74 42.4 20 39 51.3 5 20 25 19 23 82.6 22 10 3215 3 9 4 3 15 25 88
9 Helios-Zlatibor W 93 50.8 20 34 58.8 13 31 41.9 14 20 70 26 6 3223 8 10 2 1 20 22 111
10 Krka-Helios W 84 47.5 17 32 53.1 11 27 40.7 17 26 65.4 23 7 3024 7 9 0 1 19 23 99
11 Helios-Sloga W 85 51.6 24 40 60 9 24 37.5 10 15 66.7 28 10 3823 11 14 3 0 15 18 113
12 Podgorica-Helios L 70 46.4 19 26 73.1 7 30 23.3 11 16 68.8 20 8 289 7 12 2 1 18 16 66
13 Helios-TFT W 93 61.7 27 35 77.1 10 25 40 9 15 60 25 7 3230 11 12 3 2 13 20 133
14 Helios-Pelister W 101 69.1 25 29 86.2 13 26 50 12 15 80 25 4 2928 10 13 5 0 19 22 143
15 Helios-Široki W 91 50 15 27 55.6 12 27 44.4 25 31 80.6 22 7 2920 4 13 4 1 21 29 109
16 Helios-Krka L 82 47.5 20 34 58.8 9 27 33.3 15 18 83.3 16 7 2324 9 10 2 1 21 24 97
Average: 89.3 53.2 22.1 33.8 65.6 9.9 26.5 37.5 15.2 20.7 73.4 23.5 7.8 31.3 21.6 8.5 12.1 2.4 1.3 17.3 21.9 110.6
T:16 Total: 1428 53.2 354 540 65.6 159 424 37.5 243 331 73.4 376 125501 346 136 193 38 21 277 351 1770

Player Stats

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
GP Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
Babič J. 8 15 11 50 2 4 50 2 4 50 1 4 25 2 2 4 1 0 0 0 0 4 2 -3 7
Bačvić N. 16 402 191 60.2 46 71 64.8 16 32 50 51 63 81 35 10 45 66 29 14 1 7 34 75 217 299
Buljević L. 14 332 187 59.5 63 86 73.3 12 40 30 25 45 55.6 76 30 106 11 5 14 13 3 34 44 124 244
Ferme T. 13 226 114 41.9 10 21 47.6 29 72 40.3 7 11 63.6 15 4 19 25 7 12 0 0 20 17 117 92
Luke A. 13 348 127 42.5 16 29 55.2 29 77 37.7 8 8 100 32 5 37 105 10 41 0 1 17 25 129 184
Mahkovic B. 16 495 267 42 45 85 52.9 26 84 31 99 124 79.8 54 8 62 70 25 47 1 1 27 96 233 323
Mirtič T. 13 349 157 67.3 59 85 69.4 9 16 56.3 12 18 66.7 46 16 62 21 8 21 3 4 37 30 157 180
Oman U. 16 439 124 56.5 36 47 76.6 12 38 31.6 16 18 88.9 54 7 61 20 23 12 8 0 25 25 171 185
Sirc L. 14 177 66 60.5 24 35 68.6 2 8 25 12 20 60 17 16 33 2 5 8 5 4 31 14 67 57
Tunstall Jr D. 10 232 105 70.6 45 60 75 3 8 37.5 6 9 66.7 31 24 55 14 17 12 7 1 27 14 119 149
Zemljič J. 10 106 67 45.1 6 13 46.2 17 38 44.7 4 5 80 10 3 13 11 6 10 0 0 15 6 73 49
Zulić A. 8 26 12 36.4 2 4 50 2 7 28.6 2 6 33.3 4 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 6 3 6 1

FG2, FG3 - Field Goals

M - Made

Ag - Against

Rebs - Rebounds

St - Steals

FT - Free Throws

A - Attempted

Foul - Foul

D - Defensive

To - Turnover

Min - Minutes

Blck - Blocks

Cm - Committed

O - Offensive

Val - Index Value

Pts - Points

Fv - in Favoure of

Rv - Received

Ass - Assists

W - Won, L - Lost
